The Lights Blog

The Lights by JC

A blog about lights and a world in transition.

A story that is untold and hovers between greatness and disaster.

A test in a different way of reading.

A fragmented explanation

Partly inspired by the lights photos i have been taking. Furtherly inspired by the space fiction series Canopus in Argos:Archives by Doris Lessing. Specially on the theme of transition into another world and the experience trough that. Also influenced by themes that stuck with me over the years like healing, dancing, time, travel, vivid dreaming, aboriginal singing routes, group work, gnostic views, creativity and path searchers!!!

Exerpts of these were used in Wayter’s album Always Home on the song SHe-ra and was read by Mike G.

I hope one day to come back to this one, there is much more to write.